Frequently Asked Questions

  • Cosmetic tattooing, also referred to as semi-permanent makeup or micropigmentation, is the process of implanting color pigment beneath the surface of the skin by means of tiny, sterile, disposable needles to produce the appearance of hair strokes, makeup, or to enhance the natural features of the face.

  • Every Artist at FakeupxFernanda is certified and trained in Infectious Disease Control & Prevention. Tattoo/Beauty studios already hold one of the highest levels of cleanliness due to our handling of Blood Borne Pathogens.

    In addition to our high level of cleanliness, we’ll be implementing routine disinfection every 30 minutes or after each use of any of the following common areas in the studio; sinks, doorknobs, processing systems, etc.

    Paperless Consent Forms: QR codes will be available to scan for all paperwork and you’ll be able to complete them through your own mobile device.

    Medical-grade disinfectant is used to reset each station and prepare it for the next client. As practiced before COVID-19, all items used during your procedure are single use.

    Please read over our COVID protocol + safety guidelines to better inform yourself of how our appointments will be handled during this time.

  • Appointments can be made by directly booking through our website. Please click here to be redirected to our booking page.

  • There are several stages which include; numbing, outlining the desired shape, the actual process of Microblading, and the fine tuning of the finished process. This usually takes roughly 2 hours.

  • Cash, debit and credit is accepted. No checks.

  • The purpose of cosmetic tattooing is to enhance the natural features of a client. Body tattoos use ink while cosmetic tattoo procedures involve pigments. These pigments are designed to gently fade and lighten over time. Fading is desired as it allows the artist to make changes to color and shape over the years as client’s natural coloration and facial changes occur. Ink usually fades into a blue/greenish hue and does not always fade completely.

    When microblading we should only go as deep as the dermis (second layer of the skin) to prevent the strokes from becoming blurry or discolored, or even become almost impossible to remove from the skin without removal.

    Standard tattoos go into the hypodermis (third layer of skin) which is why they are permanent and usually fade into different, unnatural colors.

  • A highly-effective, topical anesthetic cream and gel are used for numbing before and during your procedure. Of course, pain threshold levels vary from person to person and every effort is made to ensure you remain comfortable for the entirety of the procedure. Having this service performed during your menstrual cycle may increase discomfort during your procedure. If you are a frequent smoker, the topical anesthetics used during the treatment will not last as long. If you have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, be aware that this may affect your sensitivity tolerance to the procedure.

  • You must be at least 18 years or older to get a cosmetic tattoo with FakeupxFernanda.

  • As a precaution, we do not perform cosmetic tattooing on pregnant or nursing women.

  • Cosmetic tattoo treatments are considered semi-permanent because they will begin to fade after a year, or so, from the initial session and must be refreshed annually in order to retain color and shape. Frequency of sessions depends on a number of factors including: the pigment colour used (lighter colours fade faster), lifestyle (sun exposure), and if any chemical peels come into contact with treated areas.

    Please note that final results CAN NOT be guaranteed as each unique skintype will hold pigments differently and break down at different rates. We will re-evaluate how your skin has received the pigment at your second session and make any changes necessary. Multiple sessions are normal for cosmetic tattoo procedures, with each new procedure requiring a minimum of 2 visits. Your second session can be booked no sooner than 5 weeks after the initial appointment. Additional sessions will be charged according to current pricing.

  • The best results generally come from a two step process. Touch ups allow us to analyze how the color regenerates beneath the skin and add in areas that may have healed incorrectly. Healed results are unique to each client and we do our best to create a consistent experience. Touch ups are beneficial for color restoration, shape correction, and/or any fine tuning the client desires and are highly recommended.

  • -Sun exposure: The sun will extremely soften the look of your tattoo, so sunblock should be used (once healed) to prolong your enhancement.

    -The regeneration of skin cells: The longer the regeneration takes, the longer the pigment holds.

    -The speed at which the skin absorbs the pigment: The slower the absorption, the longer the pigment will hold.

    -The choice of color: Some colors fade quicker than others, e.g. a blonde color will fade quicker than a dark brown color.

    -The area of treatment: Enhancements to the face, for example, fade more quickly due to constant exposure.

    -Bleeding during the procedure: Any bleeding during the tattooing procedure will reduce the amount of pigment absorption.

    -Alcohol, caffeine and certain medications act as blood-thinners and should not be taken -prior to and following your appointment.

  • Please read over our Pre-care instructions here.

  • Please view our detailed aftercare instructions here.

  • We have detailed aftercare instructions listed here. It is highly beneficial to follow these instructions to ensure a comfortable healing process and to achieve the best results.

  • During your appointment, we will analyze your skin's undertone to anticipate how pigment colors will fade in the future. We will also mix pigments to ensure color blends well with your existing eyebrow and hair color. The majority of our clients' cosmetic tattoos stay true to color and lighten naturally over time. There are some cases, however, where colors may fade to different tones according to the individual’s response to the pigments (like lifestyle and iron deficiencies).

    Many factors affect these changes. At your next appointment, we will re-analyze how your body has responded to the initial color. Special formula alteration to correct the colour and to prevent further colour change is made at this time. Your eyebrow tattoo will eventually look softer and have more of a "powdered" look. This happens with all clients as the skin ages. To keep your hair strokes looking good, a refresher appointment is suggested every 12-18 months. Results vary with each client.

  • A good sunscreen should be applied daily AFTER healing and is required to help keep color true. As with any tattoo, sun exposure will make the color soften faster.

    Fading speed depends on your skintype, lifestyle, sun exposure, pigment color used, broken capillaries, and if any chemical peels were done after your procedure.

    If you are planning a chemical peel, laser treatment or other medical procedure, please inform the technician that you have had a cosmetic tattoo. Careful application must be taken to avoid affecting the tattooed area.

  • Absolutely! We pride ourselves on having an immaculate and sterile studio space. We only use single use, disposable needles and supplies. This means that each set-up for each new client is discarded safely afterwards. Our studio is thoroughly disinfected before opening and after each procedure throughout the day.